Financial Freedom

Secrets Of Creating Wealth Fast In Network Marketing


Secrets Of Creating Wealth Fast

Why are so many disciplined, focused, formally educated professionals who were never taught the secrets of creating wealth fast?

Are they really secrets or have they just been kept from the general public.

People who work as employees are the most heavily taxed of them all.

The more money you make, the more of your working income is taxed.

How does anyone expect to become wealthy off of working within the wage system?

The truth is most will not as compared to the profit system that yields people who have let go of formalized knowledge and taken hold of seeking out other revenue streams that pay you without you having to be present somewhere.

Network marketing businesses that involve looking and feeling better are set to become a part of the next trillion dollar business model.

Wage vs Profit System

The secrets of creating wealth that most working professionals have not been taught, lies within thought and vibrations within the body.

Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, discusses heavily the idea of how thoughts create out reality in numerous books he wrote decades ago.

These same ‘secrets’ are true to this day, the world is just not paying enough attention or directing their thoughts to what they truly desire.

Hill states that our thoughts, like Newton’s Law of Motion, continue in motion until acted upon by an outside force.

The problem is these very same outside forces are people’s opinions, parents and friends that sometimes sway us from what we truly want.

How many people do you know that have termed network marketing as a scam or ‘pyramid scheme’?

These folks are sadly, ignorant and uneducated as it pertains to their overall knowledge of network marketing.

People will willfully not accept a negative return on investment with their money but gladly accept it with their time as long as they get a steady paycheck in return.

A 5 for 2 trade is a negative 60% return on investment. We work 5 days for 2 days of freedom. That is not leverage – MJ Demarco, author of the Millionaire Fastlane

He states that our thoughts create our reality when we make our goals of wealth or whatever we aspire to urgent, and we back them with a plan of action in order to see them through.

Bob Proctor, a long-time disciple of Hill’s and author of The Secret states,

Trading time for money is the absolute worst way to obtain it

What I found in network marketing, as a home based distributor, is that income can be generated residually.

This is income that is coming in week in, week out, month in, month out without me being present,

Why was this never been taught?

It was the late great, Jim Rohn, who stated,

Formalized education will make you a living, self-education will make you a fortune

Bob Proctor states that most people are not thinking.

This may sound harsh but it doesn’t take much effort to listen to the conversations of your fellow co-workers or hearing the gossip people pay attention to, to realize this is true.

The beauty of network marketing is you can still work your full time job and part-time on your fortune.

Can you go from $30,000 a year in your job to $150,000 the next?


You can with network marketing yet most people do not realize this nor have they ever been taught.

They are, what Bob Proctor states, unaware of how to do it.

Environment And Its Power Over Us

I wasn’t raised by entrepreneurs.

In fact, my entire family are all employees.

My father, whom I have a great deal of respect for, is a retired Army Soldier, who served 21 years in uniform and is about to retire again from Sam’s Club.

He has worked hard for money all is his life but money never worked for him.

This is where self-education is vital if we are going to live wealthy and own complete leverage of our time.

Trading time for money working as a wage slave is counterproductive in that our pay is tied to our time.

If we are not present at work, we are not getting paid.

The problem is we have listened to what our school system, parents, friends and co-workers have told us.

It isn’t that people do not have the capacity to think, they do but we all, at some time in our lives, have allowed outside influences dictate how we are going to earn income.

The rich do not work for money. I do not need a paycheck – Robert Kiyosaki

Normality and conformity is everywhere.

People are stuck in traffic, accepting jobs they have zero passion for because they are relying on a paycheck.

They simply are not aware that in network marketing or other entrepreneurial pursuits can dramatically impact their financial future.

The reality is the safety and security of a well-paying job is no longer as safe and secure as it once was.

I have seen people laid off and in the past three years have seen government ‘shut downs’.

The Reality Of Money

The secrets of creating wealth is investing in more assets and getting away from liabilities.

Credit cards, college loans and mortgages are liabilities, they take money from our pockets.

Assets, like joining a network marketing companies that are in the health and wellness niche, answers the needs of millions of people, is an excellent example of an asset generating business.

Few people realize that in 1943 the US Government started taxing our income and in 1913 the Federal Reserve Bank was created.

In addition, in 1971 President Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard, thus making our money no longer real money but currency and since that time, it has been backed by jack squat.

The earning power of the dollar has since declined ever since to what it once was.

Real money is gold and silver, has been for over 5000 years.

So, what are the secrets of creating wealth?

Shift Your Paradigm

Seek out self-knowledge.

The profit system is quite different than the wage system the majority of the working world is still following.

I do not think of it is as a down or up economy. I create my own economy – Bob Proctor, entrepreneur

There is a documentary film Eric Worre, a 28-year network marketing professional, created called Rise of The Entrepreneur, which depicts this massive solution to the employee life.

The ability to earn income while are sleeping is one of the secrets of creating wealth fast our school system is not teaching our students.

You and I both have the power to create our own wealth but it takes shifting our habits and part of that is deciding to no longer follow the path of the sea of masses around us doing the same thing.

We no longer live in the Industrial Age yet it saddens me that so many people are still following old rules.

Closing Remarks

So what must be done to break free from the wage system and enter into the profit system.

Get involved with network marketing industry.

No other business model has made more millionaires then network marketing.

The secrets of creating wealth are right in front of you.

In fact, you are already involved in network marketing, you simply are not getting paid for it.

Have you ever went to watch a movie and it turned out that it was great so you went and told your friends and family about it and they, in turn, went and watched it?

That is network marketing.

It is simply you telling your story and sharing with other products or services that you are passionate about and teaching others to do the same.

Your residual income generation goes up as your team grows and the beauty is your income continues to residually accrue for you having done work once.

Was this taught to you?

The health and wellness industry is set to become the next trillion dollar business and there are network marketing companies searching for home based distributors who want to become financially independent and live healthier lives.

I encourage you to visit to learn more about this outstanding opportunity.

Live out your financial dreams, we are only here once and life was never meant to just pay bills and die.


Source by Nathan A Pennington

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