Investment Companies in Pakistan

Best Halal Investment Companies in Pakistan

I’ve been working abroad for the last ten years and have some money that I’d like to invest in Pakistan. I was wondering: What are the top investment companies in Pakistan? and as a Muslim, I want to avoid interest as well, so my main question is: What are the top halal investment companies in Pakistan? What other halal investment opportunities are available to me? I did some research, and I am sharing it here as there are many other Pakistanis who are wondering where we can invest in Pakistan besides the real state.

According to my research, Pakistan has three types of investment companies that deal in Halal Islamic opportunities.

How many types of investment companies in Pakistan?

My research indicates that Pakistan has three different kinds of investment firms that focus on Halal Islamic opportunities. Banks like Meezan Bank Limited, and HBL are first type. Securities and Stock Brokers are second type. Takaful Companies are third Type. we will discuss all these type in details.

Mutual Funds in Banks or Other Investment Firms

Meezan bank

Now Let’s Discuss above points in Details, as i have already mentioned that islamic Mutual funds are usually provided by banks, Alomost all banks provide islamic mutual funds. Meezan bank is the leader in islamic banking so it has the most islamic funds. you can trust Meezan bank that all functions are shariah compliant. Meezan Bank has its own index in Pakistan stock market that consists of shariah compliant stocks. below are its funds and their risk Profile

Fund NameSymbolFunds CategoryRisk ProfileRisk of Principal Erosion
Meezan Islamic FundMIFIslamic EquityHighHigh
Al Meezan Mutual FundAMMFIslamic EquityHighHigh
Meezan Dedicated Equity FundMDEFIslamic EquityHighHigh
Meezan Energy FundMEFIslamic EquityHighHigh
KSE Meezan Index FundKMIFIslamic Index TrackerHighHigh
Meezan Pakistan Exchange Traded FundMP-ETFExchange Traded FundHighHigh
Meezan Asset Allocation FundMAAFIslamic Asset AllocationHighHigh
Meezan Balanced FundMBFIslamic BalancedMediumMedium
Meezan Islamic Income FundMIIFIslamic IncomeMediumMedium
Meezan Sovereign FundMSFIslamic IncomeLowLow
Meezan Daily Income FundMDIFIslamic IncomePlan Specific (Low to Moderate)Plan Specific (Low to Moderate)
Meezan Cash FundMCFIslamic Money MarketLowLow
Meezan Rozana Amdani FundMRAFIslamic Money MarketLowLow
Meezan Fixed Term FundMFTFOpen End Islamic CIS as per SECP’sCircular No.3 of 2022Very LowVery Low
Meezan Gold FundMGFIslamic CommodityHighHigh
Meezan Financial Planning Fund of FundMFPFIslamic Fund of FundsPlan Specific (Medium to High)Plan Specific (Medium to High)
Meezan Strategic Allocation FundMSAFIslamic Fund of FundsPlan Specific (Medium to High)Plan Specific (Medium to High)
Meezan Strategic Allocation Fund – IIMSAF-IIIslamic Fund of FundsMediumMedium
Meezan Strategic Allocation Fund – IIIMSAF-IIIIslamic Fund of FundsMediumMedium

Habib Bank Limited

Habib Bank also deals in multiple funds and it also has islamic mutual funds. some of them are islamic. below is the list

  • HBL islamic Money market Fund (Low)
  • HBL Islamic Income Fund (Medium)
  • HBl Islamic Financial planning Fund- conservative allocation Plan
  • HBL Islamic Asset Allocation Fund (High)
  • HBL Islamic Allocation Fund – Plan I
  • HBL Islamic Allocation Fund – Plan II
  • HBL Islamic Stock Fund
  • HBL Islamic Equity Fund
  • HBl Islamic Dedicated Fund
  • HBl Islamic Financial planning Fund- Active allocation Plan

Lakson Investments

Lakson Investments provide one fund that is Islamic. it is Lakson islamic Tactical Fund. it is 4 star Rated, Open End Fund comprses of Net Assets 489M PKR, with NAV 94.28 PKR. it has Management Fee as 10% of the Gross Earnings of the Scheme, calculated on a daily basis. its Benchmark is weighted average daily return of KMI 30 index, 6m deposit rates of three. A rated Islamic Banks or Islamic wondows of convertional Banks and MSCI Emerging markets Islamic Index based on the schemes actual proportion in the equity, debt and emerging market.

Other Mutual Funds

Almost every bank has its own islamic mutual funds that makes this mutual Fund topic requirung a fully detailed post that includes its performance as well. i have written a Post about Mutual funds in Pakistan . on this blog. you can visit and see all funds along with their performances. However MUFAP has complete performance summary of every mutual fund in pakistan.

Securities Companies

Security Companies deals in stock market. there are many SECP approved companies in Pakistan. You can invest in stocks, ETFs and REITs through these security companies. However keep in Mind that Stock market is a risky place. you need to learn it before investment in Stock Market.There are three type of equities in Stock market. Stocks, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) and Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs).

Stocks are publically listed company shares that are traded on stock market. if you want to open account in any of these security companies see the detailed procedure on How to open account in stock Market. For Selection of Stocks you can visit How to Select Stocks on this blog.

Second type of equity in Stock Markets is Exchange traded Funds. Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are the collection of stocks mixed and registered as one Equity. investment in ETF means you are puchsing chunks of all stocks that are included in ETF. For more details visit Exchange Traded Funds

Third type is REIT that is Real Estate Investment Trust, this is fund specifically created for investment in Real estate and in my opinion it is better alternative of Real state. a company founded as REIT collects the funds from Stock market and invest in property. Income from this property is divided as dividends to the shareholder. for full Details visit the article REIT – A New Way to Invest in Property

Below is the list of Major securities companies in Pakistan with their Links

Takaful Companies

Takaful Companies provides Shariah Complaint Insurance facilities. There are many companies in pakistan Providing Takaful. below are some details

  • SPI Window Takaful
    • SPI provides the Takaful on below items
      • Classes of business For the purpose of General Takaful Business (Non-life business) shall be as follows:
      • -For direct insurance and facultative reinsurance business:
      • (i) Class 1 being fire and property damage business;
      • (ii) Class 2 being marine, aviation and transport business;
      • (iii) Class 3 being motor third party compulsory business;
      • (iv) Class 4 being liability business;
      • (v) Class 5 being worker’s compensation business;
      • (vi) Class 6 being credit and suretyship business;
      • (vii) Class 7 being accident and health business
      • (viii) Class 8 being agriculture insurance including crop insurance;
      • (ix) Class 9 being miscellaneous business;
    • – For treaty reinsurance business:
      • (i) Class 10 being proportional treaty business; and
      • (ii) Class 11 being non-proportional treaty business.
  • Efu Hemayyah
    • shariah certificates – EFU Hemayah Takaful
    • EFU Hemaya has below Plans for Savings and Takaful
      • Individual Family Takaful – it contains many takaful policies some of them are as below
        • Emarald Plan
        • Savings Plan
        • Child Savings Plan
        • Khushali Plan
      • Bancatakaful
      • Group family takaful
      • Inclusive takaful

Which company is best for investment in Pakistan?

the answer of this question really lies in your financial goals, there are two parts of this question. what type of investment you should do? and which comapny you should select. Type is totally depends on your risk profile and your returns expectations. Higher returns are intertwind with higher Risks. You can invest in Money market funds for low risk and low returns. and you can invest in Stocks for higher returns but with higher risk. Selecting Company on the other hand depends on your convinence. if banks are easier for you then go to banks. if you want someone else to control the investment and give you returns than go for takaful companies.

Which is the biggest investment company in Pakistan?

In Banks Catagorey: Meezan Bank is the largest islamic bank in Pakistan and it has its own index in pakistan Stok Exchange. and for Takaful Companies, State life is biggest and it also provides the shariah complaiint policies.but my personal favourite in efu hemaya takaful. and in the list of securitues companies you can select anyone.


in this post i tried to give you some of the basic investment opprtunities in Pakistan. My focus was on shariah complaint. For investments in pakistan you can invest in Mutual Funds, Securities and Takaful. if you have any other suggestions, please do comement and i will add it for you.

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