Earn Money

7 Ways to Make Money Online and Increase Your Income


Although there are many other types of online earning opportunities, this article will deal with just 7 ways to make money online.

Today’s economy dictates that we find ways to supplement and/or replace our current means of earning money. Since the early 90’s when many of Americans became aware of it, the internet has been a major player in helping people earn additional income.

The lure of earning money online is very attractive to many including stay at home moms, those between careers or jobs, minimum wage earners, six-figure corporate earners, and every other type of wage earner in between. Let’s face it; the internet is a lucrative place to pursue making money.

Since there are so many ways to make money online, everyone whose interest is in making money by this means start with research into exactly what they can do to earn money. Others who don’t know what to do need help in finding ways to make money online; hence, articles such as this provide the help needed.

So, if you’re just beginning your foray into internet marketing and searching out the many ways to make money here are 7 ways to make money online that you might consider.

1. Submit Articles for Cash

If you are love to write articles, submit them for publication and earn cash for each published article:

Associated Content (AC) – When you become their member and submit articles you will get paid if they approve your submission. You may write on a wide variety of topics.

How about letters; do you have a passion for writing them? If you do, LetterRep may be just your speed. Impressive.


2. Write Products Reviews

Product reviews are a great way to share your experiences using everyday products and / or services. Send your product comments to product review websites and if they decide to publish your musings, you’ll be paid.

Sites include:

Crunchgear – Reviews a wide variety of products.

Softwarejudge – Reviews software and online games.

Reviewstream – Numerous product categories to review.

3. Make Money Blogging

Check out these blog networks to investigate current blogging positions:






4. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate programs are product driven as well as SEO connected. Simply put, the amount of traffic you attract to your site drives the amount of money you can make from your online visitors product purchases and their clicking on advertiser’s banners and / or ads.

5. Work At Home Jobs

Surprise; there are actually great work at home jobs that are great income producers. Of course, you should research these thoroughly to ensure they are legitimate but when you find what you’re looking for, you’ll likely enjoy not only the work but also the income derived from it.

6. Paid Surveys and Polls

There are services that will pay you money to run a small survey or poll on your website. The most popular one is called Vizu Answers. Not interested in something this elaborate? There are still opportunities for you. Other legitimate survey sites include:



Basically you need to sign up with them, and select the kind of polls or surveys in which you wish to participate. A word of warning here is – Never, Never, Never pay to take surveys or to get a list of companies that pay survey takers.

7. eBay

eBay has been the hottest way for people to make money online for a very long time. Anybody and everybody can make money by selling different possessions without having any marketing or business skills. There are thousands of people that make a living by simply and regularly selling on eBay.

The opportunities are there for you to make money online; it is, of course, up to you whether you wish to take the risk and work consistently. Some of the ideas listed above will make you more money than others. However, the sky is the limit when it comes to ways to earn money online.

You’ve learned what to do, now learn how to do it.


Source by Kelli-Ann Hopewell

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